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Consul as a (Docker) Service

After a couple of month being busy, it's time for a blog post about Docker Services.

As I stated often - I became a big fan of Consul for service orchestration, service discovery and as a K/V store in my docker stacks.

Since Docker Engine 1.11 the necessary DNS feature to be able to use a address was somewhat kicked, so I had a hard nut to crack. My workaround was to not care about local resolution and use the consul servers as DNS resource. Anyway...

Hello Docker Service

When trying to apply consul to Docker Services I encountered another problem. A Docker service name is addressable via the embedded DNS of the Docker engine. So reaching service A from service B is easy by just issuing $ ping A.

How about Consul

The first attempt might be to just spin up a service with three replicas and tell them to join the service name.

$ docker service create --name consul --replicas=3 --publish=8500:8500 \
                            -e CONSUL_BOOTSTRAP_EXPECT=3 \
                            -e CONSUL_SKIP_CURL=true \
                            -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul \
                            --network consul-net \

The problem (as far as I can tell for now) is, that the members are not able to resolve the cluster mates DNS name consul, as they are all part of it. But how to bootstrap a consul cluster if you can not address the rest of the 'team'?


My current solution is quite simple. I just spin up a seed-consul cluster.

$ docker service create --name consul-seed --replicas=1 --publish=8501:8500 \
                            -e CONSUL_BOOTSTRAP_EXPECT=3 \
                            -e CONSUL_SKIP_CURL=true \
                            -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul-seed,consul \
                            --network consul-net \

It is suffixed -seed, uses a slightly different port and won't never lift off by itself, as it needs at least three servers to bootstrap. The cluster peers to join are consul-seed and consul.

It creates a DC and lingers around, waiting for more servers to join.

$ docker ps 
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
48fce13c478c        qnib/alpn-consul@sha256:846d2005c527d8b764e985166d8c92fd60b9116ea436787f9d289dbc5f0756f5   "/opt/qnib/supervisor"   4 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds        8300-8301/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp   consul-seed.1.89001zsr2luzxqvtlmystiy9m
$ docker exec -ti 48fce13c478c consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
48fce13c478c  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1

Now I start the real consul service which uses the same CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS setting, so it will at least join the consul-seed service, as this one is up and running and reachable.

$ docker service create --name consul --replicas=3 --publish=8500:8500 \
                            -e CONSUL_BOOTSTRAP_EXPECT=3 \
                            -e CONSUL_SKIP_CURL=true \
                            -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul-seed,consul \
                            --network consul-net \

Now I got four servers in my dc.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
98b283409afe        qnib/alpn-consul@sha256:846d2005c527d8b764e985166d8c92fd60b9116ea436787f9d289dbc5f0756f5   "/opt/qnib/supervisor"   22 seconds ago      Up 19 seconds       8300-8301/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp   consul.2.39i6ztgsh2yhoefo0w2l9y43m
9493c8528e05        qnib/alpn-consul@sha256:846d2005c527d8b764e985166d8c92fd60b9116ea436787f9d289dbc5f0756f5   "/opt/qnib/supervisor"   22 seconds ago      Up 20 seconds       8300-8301/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp   consul.1.2mdx44un16xonzbncdmyl5kf2
0fe68cddca78        qnib/alpn-consul@sha256:846d2005c527d8b764e985166d8c92fd60b9116ea436787f9d289dbc5f0756f5   "/opt/qnib/supervisor"   22 seconds ago      Up 20 seconds       8300-8301/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp   consul.3.eqx7fubo4dxp8p17bmatyvtxw
48fce13c478c        qnib/alpn-consul@sha256:846d2005c527d8b764e985166d8c92fd60b9116ea436787f9d289dbc5f0756f5   "/opt/qnib/supervisor"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        8300-8301/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp   consul-seed.1.89001zsr2luzxqvtlmystiy9m
$ docker exec -ti 48fce13c478c consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
0fe68cddca78  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
48fce13c478c  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
9493c8528e05  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
98b283409afe  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1

I tweaked my supervisor parent a bit, so that it forwards the SIGTERM signal in case a container is stopped. This signal is used to gracefully stop a consul container. He simply has trap "consul leave" SIGTERM TERM set in the consul start script and as supervisor passes this down to all services he is going to leave when I kill the no longer needed consul-seed service.

$ docker service rm consul-seed
$ docker exec -ti 98b283409afe consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
0fe68cddca78  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
48fce13c478c  left    server  0.6.4  2         dc1
9493c8528e05  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
98b283409afe  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1

Rolling Update

In case I need to update or scale my consul service I will just start the consul-seed service. This is going to be the common entry point which will allow everyone to bond.

$ docker service create --name consul-seed --replicas=1 --publish=8501:8500 \
                            -e CONSUL_BOOTSTRAP_EXPECT=3 \
                            -e CONSUL_SKIP_CURL=true \
                            -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul-seed,consul \
                            --network consul-net \
$ sleep 30 ; docker exec -ti 98b283409afe consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
0fe68cddca78  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
139fce7cdb17  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
48fce13c478c  left    server  0.6.4  2         dc1
9493c8528e05  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
98b283409afe  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1

No I scale the real service, and kill the seed afterwards.

$ docker service update --replicas=4 consul
$ docker exec -ti 98b283409afe consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
0fe68cddca78  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
139fce7cdb17  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
48fce13c478c  left    server  0.6.4  2         dc1
569a327b4360  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
9493c8528e05  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
98b283409afe  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
$ docker service rm consul-seed
$ docker exec -ti 98b283409afe consul members
Node          Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
0fe68cddca78  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
139fce7cdb17  left    server  0.6.4  2         dc1
48fce13c478c  left    server  0.6.4  2         dc1
569a327b4360  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
9493c8528e05  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
98b283409afe  alive   server  0.6.4  2         dc1
