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GOCD + metric stacks via Docker Services

I won't apologise for the log delay between posts again, busy times...

But that should discourage you from checking in every once in a while - I got something nice today, at least I think so. :)

Hardware Update

I've been busy looking hard on Docker Services and how to use them to orchestrate stuff. As this week-end in Berlin brought bad weather - hence some time on my plate to revisit my little home-server setup.

I bought a new machine with more oomph to supply my little video-capture setup Shuttle DS57U.

This bugger has a 14nm Celeron instead of the old 22nm Celeron J1900 (Shuttle XS36v4). Even though it has four cores it was sweating catching up with the video decoding. The new one even got encoder/decoder within the Chipset.

Docker Services Server

Anyway, so I was able to kick out my Raspi3 and use the aforementioned XS36v4 to supply my home automation system (based on OpenHABA, but that is for another post).

This weekend I refined my setup, so that I spin up a couple of Docker Services. The beauty is, that Docker Services survive a reboot. The Docker SWARM will come up and will make sure that all services are started. Furthermore I could employ the DS57U to spin up and connect to the SWARM cluster to help out on tasks.

Basic setup

The setup is pretty simple:

  • Download your favourite Linux distro and install it on the machine
  • Install the latest docker-engine (>1.12)

That is basically it. I will show the little walkthrough creating services on my macbook, but any docker-engine will do.

Create a SWARM

Simply do this...

$ docker swarm init
Swarm initialized: current node (akp0y81cjkoqzbylidgnpwxq3) is now a manager.

To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-577ue6408olgvjik6udaerh8qqk7lia75crjb27vr3bfu943ou-eco4gev0hnu0mhnjph34vepam \

To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.


That's that.

Create the services

Clone my service-orchestration and service-scripts repository:

git clone
git clone

Be aware: Creating a service means that the image has to be downloaded from the interweb. Even though my images are quite small - YMMV.

$ docker images |egrep "voodoo-query with manual removal"
qnib/influxdb              latest              b14dae6e20ff        5 hours ago         171.6 MB
qnib/d12-alpn-gocd-agent   latest              872cb4fb5f16        19 hours ago        858.3 MB
qnib/qcollect              latest              0080d849c817        2 weeks ago         153.9 MB
qnib/grafana3              latest              f2a16cecc247        3 weeks ago         1.078 GB
qnib/d12-alpn-gocd-agent   latest              872cb4fb5f16        19 hours ago        858.3 MB

Looking at it, there is some room for improvement - 1GB? Srsly!?...

Docker Application Bundle

I created a little script that turns docker-compose.yml files into docker services as the Docker Application Bundle lacks some features. In the future the script should be unnecessary, but if you try to create a bundle from this:

version: '2'
  gocd-server: #1
    image: qnib/d12-gocd-server
     - consul-net
     - 8153:8153
     - DC_NAME=swarm
     - CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul
     # if more then one service is started, this is going to cause trouble
     - CONSUL_NODE_NAME=gocd-server
      - "org.qnib.service.depend_on=consul"
     - /srv/go-server/serverBackups/:/opt/go-server/artifacts/serverBackups/
     - /srv/go-server/pipelines/:/srv/go-server/pipelines/

    external: true

It will complain about all the stuff that is currently not implemented (which is OK, it's an iterative approach and only the first iteration).

$ docker-compose bundle
WARNING: Unsupported top level key 'networks' - ignoring
WARNING: Unsupported key 'volumes' in services.gocd-agent - ignoring
WARNING: Unsupported key 'volumes' in services.gocd-server - ignoring
Wrote bundle to gocd.dab
$ jq . gocd.dab 
  "Services": {
    "gocd-server": {
      "Env": [
      "Image": "qnib/d12-gocd-server@sha256:0548acc49bafe03c0fba1a91620ca6f734a37c85aa3de1b2b7fd28ffa1a2f03e",
      "Labels": {
        "org.qnib.service.depend_on": "consul"
      "Networks": [
      "Ports": [
          "Port": 8153,
          "Protocol": "tcp"
  "Version": "0.1"

It at least misses out on the volumes and the compose-file has not yet the notion of replication level. Therefore I will stick with a script that turns a docker compose file into a docker service create command.


By firing up the script, it will transform the YAML into JSON (easier to use with jq), parse some stuff and assemble a docker service create command.

$ cd ../consul
$ bash ../../service-scripts/service-scripts/swarm/bin/ docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_JSON=docker-compose.json
>> Looking into Service 'consul', expected scale '1'
Error: no such service: consul
>>> Create consul-net: docker network create -d overlay consul-net
jq: error (at docker-compose.json:27): Cannot iterate over null (null)
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name consul -e DC_NAME=swarm -e CONSUL_BOOTSTRAP_EXPECT=1 -e CONSUL_SKIP_CURL=true -e CONSUL_NODE_NAME=consul \
                --mode=replicated --replicas=1  --network consul-net \
                 --publish 8500:8500 \
                 --mount type=bind,source=/etc/hostname,target=/etc/docker-hostname \

After a couple of seconds the consul service will be up'n'running and reachable under localhost:8500 (YMMV depending on the IP address of your docker-engine).



I updated my InfluxDB stack to use Alpine and the latest version.

$ cd ../influxdb
$ bash ../../service-scripts/service-scripts/swarm/bin/ docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_JSON=docker-compose.json
>> Looking into Service 'influxdb', expected scale '1'
Error: no such service: influxdb
>>> Network consul-net already existing...
jq: error (at docker-compose.json:26): Cannot iterate over null (null)
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'consul' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name influxdb -e DC_NAME=swarm -e CONSUL_NODE_NAME=influxdb -e COLLECT_METRICS=false -e INFLUXDB_DATABASES=qcollect -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul -e INFLUXDB_META_LOGGING=true \
                --mode=replicated --replicas=1  --network consul-net \
                 --publish 2003:2003 --publish 8083:8083 --publish 8086:8086 \
$ docker service ls
ID            NAME      REPLICAS  IMAGE                 COMMAND
3f9dsaa0hwzl  influxdb  0/1       qnib/influxdb
4fkvajoecqzs  consul    1/1       qnib/alpn-consul:d12

After a couple of seconds you should be able to reach localhost:8083.


Make sure to change the Database in the upper right to qcollect.


What is a metrics back-end without some metrics? Therefore, we spin up qcollect - my fullerite fork.

$ cd ../qcollect
$ bash ../../service-scripts/service-scripts/swarm/bin/ docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_JSON=docker-compose.json
>> Looking into Service 'qcollect', expected scale 'global'
Error: no such service: qcollect
>>> Network consul-net already existing...
jq: error (at docker-compose.json:26): Cannot iterate over null (null)
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'influxdb' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name qcollect -e CONSUL_DC_NAME=swarm -e DC_NAME=swarm -e QCOLLECT_INFLUXDB_ENABLED=true -e QCOLLECT_INFLUXDB_SERVER=influxdb -e DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock -e QCOLLECT_INTERVAL=2 -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul -e CONSUL_NODE_NAME=qcollect \
                --mode global  --network consul-net \
                 --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \
$ docker service ls
ID            NAME      REPLICAS  IMAGE                 COMMAND
3f9dsaa0hwzl  influxdb  1/1       qnib/influxdb
4fkvajoecqzs  consul    1/1       qnib/alpn-consul:d12
cona63mc69s3  qcollect  global    qnib/qcollect

If we now wait a sec' - there will be metrics flowing in...



OK, but metrics to look at is nothing without something to visualise it.

$ cd ../grafana3
$ bash ../../service-scripts/service-scripts/swarm/bin/ docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_JSON=docker-compose.json
>> Looking into Service 'grafana3', expected scale '1'
Error: no such service: grafana3
>>> Network consul-net already existing...
jq: error (at docker-compose.json:22): Cannot iterate over null (null)
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'consul' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'influxdb' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name grafana3 -e DC_NAME=swarm -e COLLECT_METRICS=false -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul -e CONSUL_NODE_NAME=grafana3 \
                --mode=replicated --replicas=1  --network consul-net \
                 --publish 3000:3000 \
$ docker service ls
ID            NAME      REPLICAS  IMAGE                 COMMAND
3f9dsaa0hwzl  influxdb  1/1       qnib/influxdb
4fkvajoecqzs  consul    1/1       qnib/alpn-consul:d12
67dsx4pa9byj  grafana3  0/1       qnib/grafana3
cona63mc69s3  qcollect  global    qnib/qcollect

After it is downloaded (that's true for the rest of the services as well), that is...

$ docker service ps grafana3
ID                         NAME        IMAGE          NODE  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE             ERROR
50zhx77p00and3835dm0z4z3u  grafana3.1  qnib/grafana3  moby  Running        Preparing 55 seconds ago

Afterwards just open localhost:3000, login with admin/admin and open the predefined dashboard.



Last I need something to free me from keeping track of what I have build and how - a Continuous Integration platform like GoCD will do. This one defines two services and will start them both.

$ cd ../gocd
$ bash ../../service-scripts/service-scripts/swarm/bin/ docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml
>> COMPOSE_JSON=docker-compose.json
>> Looking into Service 'gocd-server', expected scale '1'
Error: no such service: gocd-server
>>> Network consul-net already existing...
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'consul' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name gocd-server -e DC_NAME=swarm -e GOCD_SERVER_CLEAN_WORKSPACE=false -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul -e CONSUL_NODE_NAME=gocd-server \
                --mode=replicated --replicas=1  --network consul-net \
                 --publish 8153:8153 \
>> Looking into Service 'gocd-agent', expected scale 'global'
Error: no such service: gocd-agent
>>> Network consul-net already existing...
jq: error (at docker-compose.json:49): Cannot iterate over null (null)
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'consul' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] Service dependency 'gocd-server' is running, off we go..
[PROCEED] No service running...
>>> docker service create --name gocd-agent -e DC_NAME=swarm -e GO_SERVER=gocd-server -e GOCD_LOCAL_DOCKERENGINE=false -e CONSUL_CLUSTER_IPS=consul \
                --mode global  --network consul-net --network consul-net \
                 --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \

Btw, a recently realised that $(docker ps -ql) comes in handy, as it will show you the container_id of the last started container.

$ docker service ps gocd-server
ID                         NAME           IMAGE                 NODE  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR
1aiq3s15anidplqyz70qyy0aq  gocd-server.1  qnib/gocd-server:d12  moby  Running        Starting 4 seconds ago
$ docker inspect $(docker ps -ql) |jq ".[] |.Config.Healthcheck"{
  "Test": [
  "Interval": 5000000000,
  "Timeout": 2000000000,
  "Retries": 120

As the GoCD server is a heavy java8 process (I am waiting for the day, when everyone comes fresh from university and fancies something less heavy [duck'n'cover]).

But once, it is up hit localhost:8153 to get the first screen...


How to set it up with the stack - that's another post (as said before).


The end

That's it, the services should hum along and even survive a reboot, as the containers are stop at shutdown and just started by SWARM when the system comes up again. :)

$ docker service ls                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    git:(master↑3|✚1
ID            NAME         REPLICAS  IMAGE                     COMMAND
3f9dsaa0hwzl  influxdb     1/1       qnib/influxdb
4fkvajoecqzs  consul       1/1       qnib/alpn-consul:d12
67dsx4pa9byj  grafana3     1/1       qnib/grafana3
8l5v3tzroi2t  gocd-server  1/1       qnib/d12-gocd-server
8smpngduu56j  gocd-agent   global    qnib/d12-alpn-gocd-agent
cona63mc69s3  qcollect     global    qnib/qcollect

So long Christian
